Search Results for: IRS

Washington Post: Unions, trade associations worried about possible IRS rule changes

Read the full story: Washington Post

Several of the groups from across the political and ideological spectrum have also filed comments themselves. On Tuesday, the American Civil Liberties Union said that it agreed with the effort to define political activity more clearly but that it has “serious concerns . . . both from a First Amendment perspective and as a simple matter of workability.”


The Heritage Foundation, worried about the impact on its advocacy arm, Heritage Action for America, argued that the Treasury Department doesn’t have the authority to impose the rules. And on Wednesday, Cause of Action, a conservative watchdog group, filed suit to delay the rules, calling them “a back door attempt to stifle political opponents” and arguing that they would impose “voluminous recordkeeping requirements on small non-profits.”

Cause of Action Sues IRS Over Proposed Regulations Affecting Nonprofits

Today Cause of Action took three actions to push back against the IRS’s proposed regulations concerning political activity by nonprofits.

1. A request for the IRS to extend the comment period for its proposed rules affecting 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations.

2. An Information Quality Act petition challenging the IRS’s paperwork burden estimate for its proposed rules restricting 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations.

3. A lawsuit seeking for the court to:

 a. Delay the IRS issuing a final rule until the IRS produces responsive records; and

b. Order the IRS to re-open the comment period on the proposed rule after the IRS produces all responsive records.

Cause of Action Executive Director Dan Epstein commented:

“The IRS’ proposed regulation is simply a back door attempt to stifle political opponents, to protect Administration policies, and to restrict and hamper grassroots education regarding the Constitution, limited-government, and economic freedom. We’ve seen a pattern spanning decades of the IRS being used to deter political dissenters and stifle criticism.  The government’s proposed rules continue this pattern and are but one more example of the Executive Branch abusing its administrative power.  Every American is entitled to government transparency and accountability which is why Cause of Action is filing this lawsuit.”

Related Documents: IRS Targeting & Politicization

Sensitive Case Reports: A Hidden Cause of the IRS Targeting Scandal

Read our full report on IRS targeting here. (March 2017)

TIGTA FOIA Litigation

Final Response to Cause of Action FOIA Request (December 15, 2014)

Joint Status Report and Proposed Schedule (December 5, 2014)

Clarification of Initial Response to Cause of Action FOIA Request (December 5, 2014)

TIGTA Response to Cause of Action FOIA Request(December 1, 2014)

Opinion (September 29, 2014)

Reply Brief (March 17, 2014)

Complaint (August 9, 2013)

IRS FOIA Request regarding IRS Targeting and Records Management

FOIA Request (July 23, 2014)

IRS FOIA Request and Lawsuit

Plaintiff’s Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment (June 10, 2014)

Complaint (June 19, 2013)

October 9, 2012

FOIA Request: records of communication between the White House and the IRS concerning taxpayer information, particularly communications that were not made pursuant to 6103(g) of the tax code, which authorizes the President to request any individual’s tax return information from the IRS.

FOIA request to TIGTA August 16, 2013

Request for access to the work calendars of Inspector General J. Russell George from March 1, 2012 to July 31, 2013.

FOIA production received from TIGTA December 30, 2013


Washington Free Beacon: Watchdog Criticizes Justice Dept. Decision to Forego IRS Criminal Investigation

Read the full story: Washington Free Beacon

Cause of Action executive director Dan Epstein said the documents his group obtained, which were shared with the Washington Free Beacon, suggest that TIGTA’s investigation may have been inadequate.

“Given that IG George’s examination of tax-exempt applicant reviews at the IRS was conducted over a period of just a few months—was a thorough investigation of the IRS ever possible?” Epstein asked in an emailed statement.


Even the review that did take place lacked the authority to use investigative tools that might have uncovered wrongdoing, Epstein said.


“Given that IG George chose to forego an investigation and pursue an audit, coupled with no evidence of any meetings with the FBI in IG George’s calendars, is it any wonder that the FBI has been unable to find criminal violations?” he asked.


IRS Complaint against Enroll America mentioned on Fox News

Statement: Cause of Action responds to Rep. Levin and Cummings on IRS investigating ACORN-related groups

Yesterday, the House Ways and Means Committee released new documents claiming “IRS Scrutiny of Progressive Groups,” by highlighting the IRS’ attention to ACORN and its successors.

Dan Epstein, Cause of Action’s executive director responded:

Rep. Levin and Rep. Cummings are claiming that the IRS targeted ACORN in the same fashion as pro-liberty groups.  The difference, however, as Cause of Action demonstrated one year ago, is that ACORN and its successors engaged in potentially illegal activity, so of course its successors, such as New York Communities for Change, Texas Organizing Project, and Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment, should be on the ‘Be on the Lookout’ lists. Two problems exist: First, we see no evidence that the IRS is actually conducting a diligent oversight of rebranded ACORN groups, and secondly there is no evidence that Tea Party groups engaged in illegal activities.

To compare a law-breaking organization like ACORN to True to the Vote is not only illogical, it’s unethical.

For more information on Cause of Action’s investigations into the IRS, click here.



USA Today: IRS assailed from all sides for lack of transparency

IRS assailed from all sides for lack of transparency

Allies and critics alike frustrated by the IRS’ lack of transparency in Tea Party affair

WASHINGTON — After admitting it targeted Tea Party groups for additional scrutiny in May, the Internal Revenue Service has been called on to explain its formerly obscure process for policing political activity by tax-exempt groups.

And, by almost all accounts, it’s not doing a very good job.

Last week, the non-profit publisher Tax Analysts filed suit against the IRS under the Freedom of Information Act, saying the agency failed to release training materials used by the agency’s Exempt Organizations staff in Cincinnati.

Congressional investigators have complained that the agency has turned over only a small fraction of the records they’ve sought. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich., said the IRS’ slow response to congressional inquiries “begins to look a lot like obstruction.”

Within the IRS, the Taxpayer Advocate Service has criticized the agency’s Exempt Organizations office for failing to reveal how agents review tax-exempt groups for political activity — in spite of laws requiring disclosure. “This lack of transparency reduced EO’s accountability to the public and made it easier to believe that EO was arbitrarily singling out applications for further review based on ideology,” Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson said in a special report to Congress in June.

Even some of the agency’s biggest supporters say they’ve been frustrated by the IRS’ failure to respond to key questions.

“Steam has been coming out of my ears for the last three months, because the IRS hasn’t been able to defend itself. In a way, they’re their own worst enemy,” said Evelyn Brody, a law professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology’s Chicago-Kent College of Law. She said the IRS’ reticence is party justified by taxpayer privacy laws, but the agency could still do a better job explaining its processes.

The IRS itself would not comment on the transparency issues, except to say that it does not comment on pending litigation.

Tax Analysts filed its lawsuit in federal court in Washington last week after the IRS failed to meet legal deadlines to respond to its Freedom of Information Act request. Chris Bergin, the president and publisher of Tax Analysts, said it’s perplexing that the IRS won’t release records that might mitigate criticism over its handling of political groups.

“They’re going to keep shooting themselves in the foot until someone forces them not to,” he said. “What’s worse now, is they’ll go deeper into their bunker. They’ll dig down, and they won’t disclose.”

Tax Analysts has filed 15 FOIA lawsuits against the government since 1985, and has won almost all of them, court records show. “We’re not rookies at this,” Bergin said. “We recognize the pattern. And this is the pattern: They keep telling you, telling you, telling you that they’re going to release the records, and then they say, ‘Sue us.’ And we do, and it always ends badly for them.”

The Tax Analysts lawsuit is actually the second FOIA lawsuit to come out of the Tea Party controversy. The Cause of Action Institute, a non-profit organization aligned with conservative causes, filed suit last month to force the agency to disclose any requests for tax returns by the White House.

“We’ve had this fight with the IRS now for almost two years,” executive director Dan Epstein said. “They could simply say, the easiest response for the IRS to say is, no such record exists.”

Instead, the IRS has not explicitly denied that tax returns have been provided to the White House, but said that they would be covered by taxpayer privacy laws if they were.”

A White House spokesman did not return a call seeking comment.

The IRS won’t say how many FOIA requests it’s received about its handling of political groups. USA TODAY and The Cincinnati Enquirer, which are both owned by Gannett, have filed 16 FOIA requests with the agency in the last three months, and the agency has not released any of the requested records.

When USA TODAY requested public inspection files of tax exempt groups, the IRS claimed that they are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. And on two successive days in May, USA TODAY reporters visited the IRS’ Freedom of Information Reading Room only to find it closed to the public during its posted hours.

In an Aug. 2 letter to the House Oversight Committee, acting IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel said it was “inaccurate and unfair” to allege the IRS has not fully cooperated with Congress.

He said the agency has devoted 100 employees to gathering documents and that it had facilitated the interviews of 19 IRS employees with congressional investigators.

The IRS is searching for electronic records containing 81 search terms, including “Tea Party,” “conservative,” “liberal,” and the names of White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett and author Glenn Beck. As of Aug, 2, the IRS had produced 16,500 of a potential 1.6 million responsive documents to Congress, Werfel said.