Cause of Action Sues CPSC for Withholding Documents

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                 CONTACT:      

April 1, 2014                                                                                                       Mary Beth Hutchins, 202-400-2721

Cause of Action Sues CPSC for Withholding Documents

What is the Consumer Product Safety Commission Trying to Keep from the Public About Buckyballs?

WASHINGTON – Cause of Action (CoA), a government accountability organization, sued the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) today for failing to release documents to the public about Craig Zucker, the former CEO of the company that sold Buckyballs. Well past the statutory 20 day deadline, the CPSC has yet to produce any documents in response to a November 12, 2013 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request CoA submitted.

“This administration was just pegged with the title the ‘most secretive’ administration in history and the CPSC’s refusal to produce documents is another example of that spirit of secrecy,” said CoA Executive Director Dan Epstein. “Americans have an interest in how federal agencies conduct oversight, and the CPSC’s consistent unresponsiveness to our inquiry is a disservice to the public.”

CoA’s FOIA requested:

  1. All records underlying CPSC’s estimate [that small, high-powered magnet sets were associated with 1,700 emergency room-treated injuries between 2009 and 2011].
  2. All records related to the drafting, preparation and clearance of the April 12, 2013 CPSC recall release regarding the recall of Buckyballs® and Buckycubes® by six retailers (CPSC Recall Release 13-168).
  3. All records comprising the monthly progress reports of the six retailers who agreed to participate in the Buckyballs® and Buckycubes® magnet recall that was announced on April 12, 2013 (CPSC Recall Release 13-168).
  4. All records reflecting, regarding or referencing, and all communications between, CPSC staff and Strong Force, Inc. regarding the product marketed as NeoCube magnet sets.
  5. All records generated, downloaded or created by CPSC and/or its staff containing, discussing, reflecting, regarding or referencing expressions of public criticism or concern with respect to:  (1) their conduct concerning the recall of Buckyballs®, Buckycubes®, NeoCube or any other magnet sets, and/or (2) their actions against [M&O] and/or Mr. Craig Zucker.
  6. All records generated, downloaded or created by CPSC and/or its staff referencing or concerning Mr. Craig Zucker.

Read the complaint here.

About Cause of Action:

Cause of Action is a non-profit, nonpartisan government accountability organization that fights to protect economic opportunity when federal regulations, spending and cronyism threaten it. For more information, visit

To schedule an interview with Cause of Action’s Executive Director Dan Epstein, contact Mary Beth Hutchins,  202-400-2721



LabMD Sues Federal Trade Commission

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                         CONTACT: Kevin Schmidt, 202-499-2414

March 20, 2014                                                            


LabMD Sues Federal Trade Commission

Atlanta-based cancer detection company seeks relief from FTC’s abuse of power

WASHINGTON – Cause of Action (CoA), a government accountability organization, announced today the filing of a Motion for Preliminary Injunction against the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on behalf of LabMD in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia Atlanta Division.  This case was previously filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, but was refiled in the District Court due to jurisdictional issues. The injunction asks the court to stop the FTC’s abuse of power and regulation of patient-information despite lacking authority.

CoA is also defending LabMD against a complaint brought by the FTC in an administrative proceeding, In the Matter of LabMD Inc., a corporation, Docket No. 9357.  The FTC has attacked LabMD without publishing any data-security regulations or standards and with the knowledge that LabMD’s data security practices are regulated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).  HHS has never suggested, and the FTC does not claim, that LabMD violated any of the HHS’s patient information data-security regulations or requirements.

CoA is challenging the FTC’s statutory authority to regulate patient information data-security practices on top of HHS as “unfair acts or practices” under Section 5 of the FTC Act and disputed the FTC’s claim that LabMD supposedly failed to provide reasonable and appropriate security for personal information on its computer networks.  Notwithstanding its lack of expertise and its failure to provide for public notice or input, the FTC has unilaterally decided that HHS’s data security regulations are inadequate and that compliance with those regulations is not enough to avoid Commission sanctions.

“By continuing to drag the administrative proceedings along, the FTC continues to act without the authority granted to it by Congress – authority they admitted only last month they do not have,” said CoA Executive Director Dan Epstein.  “The FTC continues to exemplify the dangers of unbridled federal agency overreach into areas in which they have no authority. The merits of our complaint have yet to be evaluated by a court, which is why we are bringing them before the District Court now.”

“By filing this lawsuit, we are asking the court to stop FTC’s abuse of government power and to ensure LabMD’s case is decided fairly and objectively. Right now, small businesses like LabMD that stand up to the FTC must play a rigged game because FTC is the legislator, prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner all rolled into one,” CoA Senior VP of Litigation Reed Rubinstein said.  “The FTC has no power over LabMD here and its obvious disregard for the patient-information data security regulations that the Department of Health and Human Services has had in place for years creates additional chaos, expense and hardship for America’s doctors, medical labs and clinics.”

CoA is also challenging the FTC’s unconstitutional refusal to provide LabMD, and all other consumers and businesses, with fair and clear administrative data-security regulations so that everyone knows what conduct is permitted and what conduct is prohibited ahead of time.  The FTC has assumed for itself the power to ignore the public participation, transparency and accountability provisions of the laws passed by Congress and to regulate every American business without any oversight or controls.

Finally, CoA is challenging the constitutionality of the FTC’s administrative process. According to a study by FTC Commissioner Joshua Wright, for nearly the past twenty years, in 100 percent of the cases where an Administrative Law Judge ruled for the FTC, the Commission affirmed the ruling, but in 100 percent of the cases where the ALJ ruled for the target of Commission enforcement action, the Commission reversed the ruling.  In other words, the FTC never loses on its home court.  By contrast, when the victims of the FTC’s abuses are able to make their case before a fair court, the FTC loses at four times the normal rate.  However, the cost and burden of standing up and speaking out against the FTC’s abuse of the law is so prohibitive that the vast majority of businesses must simply give in and settle.  Since the FTC began its “investigation” in January, 2010, the FTC repeatedly increased its bullying tactics in an apparent attempt to force LabMD to admit fault, something most any small business would do without help from CoA and others.

The lawsuit filed today, along with the previous filings on behalf of LabMD, can be found here.

About Cause of Action:

Cause of Action is a non-profit, nonpartisan government accountability organization that fights to protect economic opportunity when federal regulations, spending and cronyism threaten it. For more information, visit

About LabMD:

LabMD is a cancer detection facility that specializes in analysis and diagnosis of blood, urine, and tissue specimens for cancers, micro-organisms and tumor markers. You can find out more about their battle with the FTC here.

To schedule an interview with Cause of Action’s Executive Director Dan Epstein, contact Mary Beth Hutchins,  202-400-2721 or Kevin Schmidt,



Judicial Watch Announces a Special Presentation: ‘DC Transparency Crisis: Big Government and Big Secrecy’

WASHINGTON, DC–(Mar 11, 2014) – Judicial Watch announced it will host a panel discussion: “DC Transparency Crisis: Big Government and Big Secrecy.” Panelists include Mark Tapscott, Executive Editor of theWashington Examiner; Christopher C. Horner, Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute; and Daniel Epstein, Executive Director at Cause of Action.

The panel is being held during Sunshine Week, “a national initiative to promote a dialogue about the importance of open government and freedom of information. Participants include news media, civic groups, libraries, nonprofits, schools and others interested in the public’s right to know.”

Date: Wednesday, March 19
Time: 2-3:30 pm ET
Judicial Watch
Main Conference Room
425 Third Street SW
Washington, DC 20024

Confirmed Panelists:

Mark Tapscott
Executive Editor, Washington Examiner

Christopher C. Horner
Senior Fellow, Competitive Enterprise Institute

Daniel Epstein
Executive Director, Cause of Action


Tom Fitton 
President, Judicial Watch

A mult box will be available.

*(near NASA headquarters, one block from Southwest Federal Center Metro Station)

HARDI Announces Settlement with DOE in Regional Efficiency Standards Lawsuit

For Immediate Release


Whitney Neal, Digital Communications & PR Coordinator

Jon Melchi, Director of Government Affairs


HARDI Announces Settlement with DOE in Regional Efficiency Standards Lawsuit

Columbus, Ohio– Heating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) announced today that it reached a settlement in the long-running lawsuit regarding Regional Efficiency Standards for residential gas furnaces and central air-conditioners which were finalized by the Department of Energy (DOE) in October 2011. Represented by government accountability group Cause of Action, HARDI agreed to a settlement, which would remand the efficiency standards for gas furnaces, forcing the DOE to restart the process for assessing efficiency standards and to do so in a more transparent manner.

The settlement, which will take effect upon judicial approval, signifies a victory for heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration distributors, who intervened in the lawsuit challenging the standards, citing DOE’s abuse of process in utilizing a regulatory procedure which ignored the input of distributors and other stakeholders.

Executive Director Dan Epstein of Cause of Action said:

“Due process in agency rulemaking exists to give all Americans a voice instead of merely relying upon the unelected elite.  The DOE effectively overruled the voices of American consumers and small businesses concerning energy efficiency standards, removing all accountability, which is why Cause of Action took up this case.  This settlement is a victory for thousands of businesses, consumers, and manufacturers as the DOE has agreed to a standard of transparency and accountability when creating new rules going forward.”

HARDI President Royce Henderson (Charles D. Jones Company) stated:

“Our goal from the start has been twofold. The first was to provide relief to our members who faced damages as a result of DOE’s actions. The second has been to fix the process, so this will never happen again. We believe this settlement accomplishes both goals to the greatest extent possible.”

Other terms of the settlement:

  • The increase and regionalization in the standards for central air-conditioners will remain, but the DOE has allowed for a “sell-through” period of 18-months and agreed to not-penalize HVACR distributors as part of the enforcement of the Regional Standard.
  • Additionally, the DOE has agreed to engage in a process to review the regulatory processes which established the regional efficiency standards.

The court document can be found here.


About HARDI:

Heating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) represents more than 460 wholesale companies and 300 manufacturing associates as well as nearly 140 manufacturer representatives. HARDI members represent an estimated 85 percent of the dollar value of the HVACR products sold through distribution.

About Cause of Action:

Cause of Action a nonprofit, nonpartisan government accountability organization that investigates, exposes, and fights job-killing federal government regulations, waste, fraud, and cronyism.  Cause of Action, uses investigative, legal, and communications tools to educate the public on how transparency and accountability protects taxpayer interests and economic opportunity. For more information, visit

Transparency and Good-Government Groups Encourage Legislative Efforts to Bring Transparency and Accountability to Federal Grant-Making

Cause of Action and the following groups submitted a letter to Congress concerning discretionary grant spending and the GRANT Act:

Cause of Action
Center for Effective Government
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington – CREW
Defending Dissent Foundation
Project on Government Oversight – POGO
Taxpayers for Common Sense

Read the letter here.

GRANT Act Coalition Letter

Cause of Action Sues IRS Over Proposed Regulations Affecting Nonprofits

Today Cause of Action took three actions to push back against the IRS’s proposed regulations concerning political activity by nonprofits.

1. A request for the IRS to extend the comment period for its proposed rules affecting 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations.

2. An Information Quality Act petition challenging the IRS’s paperwork burden estimate for its proposed rules restricting 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations.

3. A lawsuit seeking for the court to:

 a. Delay the IRS issuing a final rule until the IRS produces responsive records; and

b. Order the IRS to re-open the comment period on the proposed rule after the IRS produces all responsive records.

Cause of Action Executive Director Dan Epstein commented:

“The IRS’ proposed regulation is simply a back door attempt to stifle political opponents, to protect Administration policies, and to restrict and hamper grassroots education regarding the Constitution, limited-government, and economic freedom. We’ve seen a pattern spanning decades of the IRS being used to deter political dissenters and stifle criticism.  The government’s proposed rules continue this pattern and are but one more example of the Executive Branch abusing its administrative power.  Every American is entitled to government transparency and accountability which is why Cause of Action is filing this lawsuit.”

Cause of Action Pursues Multimillion Dollar Fraud Lawsuit Against the Chicago Transit Authority After Justice Department Refuses to Intervene

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                     CONTACT:      

January 20, 2014                                                                                                        Mary Beth Hutchins, 202-400-2721

Cause of Action Pursues Multimillion Dollar Fraud Lawsuit Against the Chicago Transit Authority After Justice Department Refuses to Intervene

WASHINGTON – Cause of Action (CoA), a government accountability organization, is pursuing False Claims Act litigation against the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) for engaging in systemic fraud at the expense of American taxpayers. The Department of Justice (DOJ), led by Attorney General Eric Holder, declined to intervene in the case.

CoA first brought the lawsuit to the DOJ’s attention on May 8, 2012, uncovering up to $150 million in taxpayer funds that the CTA may have improperly received by overreporting mileage for grant funding dating as far back as 1982. On December 16, 2013, the DOJ refused to intervene despite the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) own determination on April 27, 2012 that the CTA had misreported data in 2010.  Furthermore, the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Inspector General and the FTA communicated about the need for recusals of agency employees moving forward.

In addition to the improper reporting, there exists potential conflicts of interest between the CTA and the Executive Branch; most notably Robert S. Rivkin, the current General Counsel at the DOT, who formerly served as CTA’s General Counsel from 2001 to 2004, and Valerie Jarrett, current Senior Advisor to the President, who was formerly a chair of CTA from 1995 to 2003.

“We are pursuing this fraud lawsuit against the CTA because American taxpayers deserve accountability,” said Cause of Action’s Executive Director, Dan Epstein. “The reputations of political insiders cannot be more important than the integrity of federal programs and the protection of taxpayer funds. When the federal government, including Department Inspector Generals, cannot be counted on to discourage fraud, citizen watchdog groups like ours must intervene.”

According to a report by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, this isn’t the first time the DOJ decided not to intervene in a high-profile fraud case: In 2009, the DOJ and then Assistant Attorney General, Thomas Perez, who is the current Secretary of Labor, declined to intervene in a whistleblower lawsuit alleging the City of St. Paul improperly received federal funds. Perez’s decision, apparently involving an inappropriate quid pro quo agreement with the city, allowed the fraud to go unpunished.

In October 2012, CoA released an investigative report about fraud at the CTA, which can be read here.

About Cause of Action:

Cause of Action is a non-profit, nonpartisan government accountability organization that fights to protect economic opportunity when federal regulations, spending and cronyism threaten it. For more information, visit

To schedule an interview with Cause of Action’s Executive Director Dan Epstein, contact Mary Beth Hutchins,  202-400-2721 or Annalisa Musarra,