The Seattle Times: Editorial: Commercial photography rule makes the Forest Service look bad

Read the full story: The Seattle Times

The government watchdog group Cause of Action is suing a dozen federal agencies for allegedly allowing the White House to conduct politically tinged screenings of public-records requests. Just last week, it was revealed that the White House even seeks to censor the mundane daily “pool” reports, which are the equivalent of an Obama’s official Fitbit log of public activities.


No wonder an obscure proposed federal rule started a First Amendment wildfire, especially in the Pacific Northwest, where the government plays a large role due to the amount of federal land here.


The Forest Service is still taking public comment on it. Let ’em have it. The Obama administration, rightly called the greatest threat to press freedom in a generation, deserves it.

Washington Examiner: Earmarks never went away — they changed addresses

Read the full story: Washington Examiner

According to the government watchdog group Cause of Action, which launched a website in early September dedicated to exposing executive earmarks, federal grant spending has jumped 40 percent since 2001.


Cause of Action began investigating executive branch earmarks in December 2011, when the group sent Freedom of Information Act requests to 21 different agencies to track down discretionary grants.


Hundreds of letters resulting from the organization’s probe and compiled on its new website reveal a pattern of funding requests that echo the language once found in legislative earmarks.


The Cause of Action website features a digital timeline of milestones in earmarking’s evolution, including Executive Order 13457, “Protecting American Taxpayers from Government Spending on Wasteful Earmarks,” which President George W. Bush signed in 2008.

Federalist Society Teleforum: Redressing Politicized Spending

Cause of Action’s Dan Epstein discusses politicized spending by the Executive Branch during a September 10, 2014 Federalist Society Teleforum. Read more about the phenomenon of Executive Branch earmarks and the transparency problems that persist at

Dan Epstein on The Federal Drive with Tom Temin 8/25/2014

Listen to the interview here.

Washington Free Beacon: Democracy Alliance Bankrolled Court-Packing Scheme

Read the full story: Washington Free Beacon

Experts argued these activities appeared to cross the line from education to lobbying.


“It bills itself as a tax-exempt educational organization, but obviously the American Constitution Society is engaging in policy-making activities,” said Daniel Epstein, the executive director of Cause of Action and an expert at the conservative Federalist Society. “They created the intellectual arsenal behind filibuster reform.”


“[The Democracy Alliance is] investing a lot of money to get the American Constitution Society to do things that are going to benefit the Democratic Party politically,” he said.

Video: Dan Epstein Discusses How the White House is Obstructing Transparency on NewsmaxTV

Read the full story: Newsmax TV

The Blaze: Gov’t Watchdog Says IRS Lawyer Admitted Lois Lerner’s ‘Lost’ Emails Were Backed Up

Read the full story: The Blaze

Cause of Action Director Dan Epstein also blasted the IRS on Monday for failing to run basic searches on Lerner’s Blackberry for the lost emails.


“The IRS knew Lerner’s hard drive was not recoverable while the blackberry was operating,” he said. “This should have triggered a search and preservation of the blackberry contents – but the IRS failed to do that.”