Amicus Brief, Ralls v. Obama et al.


Opposition for Motion to Dismiss, Doe V. Hamburg et. al.

Opposition to MTD

Cause of Action v. IRS – Tax Returns Requested by President Obama

The following complaint was filed by Cause of Action on Tuesday, October 2, 2012.

COA v IRS Tax Returns


Exhibits in CoA v IRS

National Labor Relations Board

2012-9-10 NLRB FOIA Request

VIDEO: Fox News – FAA employees pressured to vote for Obama?

Fox News reports on Cause of Action’s finding of a possible Hatch Act violation at the Federal Aviation Administration.


120814 NARA complaint re FCIC documents


Media Highlights CoA Lawsuit Against the FDA

Cause of Action filed a lawsuit last week in the U.S. District Court of Northern California on behalf of a Bay-Area woman whose plans to start a family have been blocked by overregulation by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  This is an important case related to government overreach and constitutional issues. Read the following stories to see how the media are covering the issue:



Woman sues FDA for right to select sperm donor, bypass sperm bank

Woman sues FDA over right to select her own sperm donor



Free the Sperm!