Washington Free Beacon: Watchdog Group Asks Court to Force Release of Docs on IRS Targeting

Read the full story: Washington Free Beacon

The watchdog group Cause of Action is asking a federal court to force the Obama administration to release thousands of documents related to the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups. Cause of Action asked a court in a motion filed Tuesday to compel the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) to disclose roughly 2,500 documents related to unauthorized leaks of taxpayer information to White House officials.


Cause of Action’s Amicus Brief in O’Keefe v. Chisholm

Cause of Action filed an Amicus brief in support of Eric O’Keefe and the Wisconsin Club For Growth on February 20, 2015.

Read the brief below:

Cause of Action Capitol Hill Fellowship Program

2015 Cause of Action Capitol Hill Fellowship Program

Cause of Action seeks applicants for its Capitol Hill Fellowship Program. Applications are due by November 15, 2015 (11:59PM EST), and must be emailed to coach@causeofaction.org. Cause of Action will begin accepting applications on or about August 7, 2015.

Download the Full Application

Overview & Goals

Mission Statement: The CoA Capitol Hill Fellows Program (COACH) allows for attorneys at all levels to develop the skills necessary for understanding and executing effective government oversight. COACH is effectively a “legislative clerkship” that aims to equip fellows with the skills and professional development opportunities to be more effective public law advocates. Because CoA is committed to government accountability as necessary for the promotion of societal well-being, COACH seeks applicants who are committed to principles of limited government, regulatory fairness, and economic liberty.

Fellows: Fellows are to be placed in Senate and House oversight committees and subcommittees. Fellows will work full-time for one year within the structure of the Congressional office. Fellows must have a J.D., a minimum of 2 years of legal work experience after law school, and be admitted to a state bar. It is also essential that Fellows be willing to learn new ways to think, investigate, and digest information.

Stipend: A monthly stipend to help cover living and other costs will be paid directly to the Fellow (range: $5,000 to $12,500). CoA does not provide housing, health insurance, or any other benefits other than a monthly stipend, and Fellows are not considered employees of CoA.

Selection Process: A committee comprised of CoA’s senior staff, management, and/or individuals designated by CoA will review applications and make recommendations of Fellowship finalists. The finalists will be invited to interview with a selection committee consisting of CoA staff and/or individuals designated by CoA. From the pool of finalists, it is envisioned that up to four (4) fellowships will be awarded per year. The accepted fellows will be notified shortly thereafter. Acceptances by Fellows are due within a week of notification from CoA. Selection will occur on a rolling basis.

Application Information

Cause of Action seeks applicants for its 2015 Capitol Hill Fellowship Program. Applications are due by November 15, 2015 (11:59PM EST), and must be emailed to coach@causeofaction.org. Cause of Action will begin accepting applications on or about August 7, 2015.

Applicants must be at least 18 years old and citizens or lawful residents of the United States. Applicants must also be admitted to a state bar. Applicants will not be considered if CoA makes a determination that an applicant is related to any member of the selection committee.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Complete applications must include the application form, a resume, a writing sample, and other information contained on the application form.

Download the Full Application

Making Your Job Easier With Open Government

Cause of Action’s Executive Director, Dan Epstein, joined experts in the open government field as they shared tools, tips, and tricks to make congressional staff more effective on the job. Learn more about the event here.

Download his presentation here: Transparency Tools Training


Newsmax: Obama Administration Refuses to Release IRS Targeting Documents

Read the full story: Newsmax

The Obama administration is refusing to release more than 500 documents related to the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups as investigations continue into the scandal, according to The Hill… TIGTA has come under fire in the past from outside groups for refusing to be forthcoming with other FOIA requests. Cause of Action, a nonprofit group, sued TIGTA after announcing in December that the agency refused to turn over more than 2,000 documents.


Washington Free Beacon: Obama Admin Stonewalling FOIA Requests on IRS Scandal

Read the full story: Washington Free Beacon

The Obama administration is refusing to release more than 500 documents to the Hill newspaper concerning the IRS targeting scandal, the paper reported Tuesday… As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, TIGTA has thwarted several other attempts to pry free more information on the IRS targeting scandal. TIGTA is blocking the release of roughly 2,500 documents related to its investigation sought by the watchdog group Cause of Action in a FOIA lawsuit.

The Hill: Obama administration won’t release IRS targeting documents

Read the full story: The Hill

TIGTA’s FOIA practices have come under criticism before. In the fall of last year, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia admonished the agency for its use of FOIA exemptions. Cause of Action, a nonprofit group that has sued TIGTA, announced in December that the agency declined to fork over more than 2,000 documents related to a FOIA request.