Cause of Action Calls on Senate Ethics Committee to Answer for Failure to Respond to Ethics Complaint Against Sen. Harry Reid

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                             CONTACT:      

October 21, 2014                                                    Mary Beth Hutchins, 202-400-2721

Cause of Action Calls on Senate Ethics Committee to Answer for Failure to Respond to Ethics Complaint Against Sen. Harry Reid

WASHINGTON – Cause of Action (CoA), a nonprofit government oversight group, today wrote to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics in follow up to a December 2013 ethics complaint CoA filed against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid that has received no response from the Committee. CoA’s complaint highlighted Senator Reid’s use of his political clout to lobby U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to reconsider and approve EB-5 immigrant investor visa petitions where the principal entity receiving the foreign funding is a major contributor to the Democratic Party, and, at the time, was represented by the Senator’s son.

CoA’s letter highlights the need for the Committee to provide an explanation for why its 2013 complaint did not lead to a preliminary inquiry, despite CoA providing sufficient evidence.

CoA Executive Director Dan Epstein:

We rely on Congress to conduct oversight of bad government behavior, including investigating its own members to ensure that America’s elected officials are behaving ethically. For over 300 days to pass since our complaint was received with no reasoned notice of the Committee’s determination is unacceptable.  The Committee appears to have dismissed Cause of Action’s complaint without engaging in a preliminary inquiry and without explanation, where independent evidence unearthed by the media supports the allegations of misconduct.  The American public, who elected their Senators, deserve an ethics committee that takes its role seriously, and our hope is that the public receives an explanation for this delay in oversight.

On October 23, 2014, CoA sent a follow up letter after Senate Ethics claimed it did not receive the ethics complaint in 2013.

About Cause of Action:

Cause of Action is a non-profit, nonpartisan government accountability organization that fights to protect economic opportunity when federal regulations, spending and cronyism threaten it. For more information, visit

To schedule an interview with Cause of Action’s Executive Director Dan Epstein, contact Mary Beth Hutchins,



Breitbart: Austan Goolsbee Claims Innocence as Court Orders Investigative Records Released

Read the full story: Breitbart

  • October 9, 2012 – Watchdog group Cause for Action files a FOIA request for any investigative documents pertaining to disclosure of private tax information to the Executive Office of the President.

  • November 30, 2012 – Treasury’s IG Office issues a response which refuses to confirm or deny the existence of any such reports.

Fox News: Watchdog claims union’s legal fight reveals ObamaCare fraud

Read the full story: Fox News

Non-profit group Southern United Neighborhoods got a $1.3 million federal grant in 2013 to serve as a “navigator,” enrolling people in Affordable Care Act coverage. The group subcontracted with United Labor Unions Local 100, which, according to Cause of Action, paid members less than it billed the government and, in some cases, paid them to recruit union members. The watchdog group discovered the alleged discrepancy in court papers filed by union workers suing the labor organization for unpaid overtime.


“Southern United Neighborhoods and ULU Local 100, both rebranded ACORN entities, present a risk of violating the law – this time by potentially misusing over $1.3 million of taxpayer dollars for union activities instead of enrolling individuals in the Affordable Care Act,” Daniel Epstein, executive director for Cause of Action said to


Epstein and his group sent a letter to the federal Health and Human Services Inspector General this week asking that SUN and the union be investigated for fraud.

The Weekly Standard: The Blame-Deflection Game

Read the full story: The Weekly Standard

The waste is not confined to NIH, either. The Weekly Standard reported last year that the Centers for Disease Control, which presumably should also be fighting Ebola, was using part of its $12.5 billion Obamacare slush fund to campaign for tougher state liquor laws. A 19-month investigation by watchdog Cause of Action concluded the use of these funds violated the law and was “a front for lobbying, government propaganda, and cronyism.”

LIBRE Joins Litigation Regarding “Operation Choke Point”

LIBRE Joins Litigation Regarding “Operation Choke Point”
Obama Administration Abuses Regulatory Regime

(Washington, D.C.) – Today the LIBRE Initiative Institute (LIBRE) filed an amicus brief in support of the Community Financial Services Association of America v. FDIC challenge to the administration’s Operation Choke Point (Choke Point). LIBRE filed the brief – which was written by the nonprofit government oversight group Cause of Action – arguing that the government abused its power and conducted Choke Point without transparency or accountability and without accounting for the Collateral damage that it has done to Hispanic businesses, their customers, or the communities they serve.  Choke Point is an initiative quietly organized and implemented by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and other agencies. Banks and other financial institutions have been investigated and pressed to cut off financing to a range of businesses that the administration believes to be acting against public Interest . These include legal activities such as payday loans, tobacco, ammunition, fireworks, and many others.

This operation has received little public scrutiny, and was not publicly debated or analyzed for its impact on the targeted businesses, their customers or the broader economy. Questions have been raised regarding the administration’s decision to target a broad range of legal activities – rather than concentrating taxpayer dollars on fighting crime. Additionally, many of the businesses hurt by the operation provide access to Capital and services of particular value in the Latino community. This unilateral action has forced many enterprises to close – with a disproportionate impact on jobs and services in Latino communities nationwide. It is wrong for the administration to crack down on completely legal commercial activity – stripping consumers of market choice – through agency pressure applied to financial institutions rather than an open and transparent process.

Read the brief here.

 Jorge Lima, Policy Director of The LIBRE Initiative Institute released the following statement:

President Obama continues to use unilateral executive action to push forward on a flawed policy agenda that is hurting the Latino community more than it’s helping. Wages are down and jobs are hard to find – but we continue to see the same policy prescriptions that have failed in the past. Now the administration is using its power to undermine industries that it deems detrimental, while ignoring the fact that it is unfairly punishing business owners and infringing upon the private prerogative of banks to evaluate business according to their models – ultimately limiting the choices available to individuals.

The federal government should stop trying to arbitrarily undercut or shut down businesses it doesn’t like, and allow for an open debate, with proper opportunity for comment and analysis, rather than wielding administrative power. We have seen what happens when there is no discussion of proposed policy alternatives with the unintended consequences of Obamacare. The president and his administration shouldn’t be so eager to repeat the same mistakes.

For interviews with a LIBRE representative, please contact: Brian Faughnan, 703-650-1100 or Steven Cruz, 703-650-1100.

Cause of Action Requests Investigation and Audit of Affordable Care Act Navigator in Texas for Potential Misuse of Federal Funds

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                         CONTACT:      

September 30, 2014                                                Mary Beth Hutchins, 202-400-2721

Cause of Action Requests Investigation and Audit of Affordable Care Act Navigator in Texas for Potential Misuse of Federal Funds

Allegations against Southern United Neighborhoods and United Labor Unions Point to Misuse of Federal Funds by Failing to Comply with Navigator requirements

WASHINGTON – Cause of Action (CoA), a government oversight organization, requested today that the Inspector General of Health and Human Services investigate and audit Southern United Neighborhoods (SUN) for potential fraud in light of legal allegations that United Labor Unions Local 100 (ULU), a federal subgrantee of SUN, directed an Affordable Care Act (ACA) navigator, paid with federal grant funds, to recruit members for ULU in Texas.

In a letter to Inspector General Daniel Levinson, Cause of Action states:

“Under the Internal Revenue Code, SUN’s primary purpose cannot be to support a non-charitable purpose. Moreover, OMB Circular A-133 and appropriate HHS regulations require that federal grant money be used for an approved programmatic purpose, which is belied by ULU’s alleged direction of a federally-funded navigator to conduct recruiting activities for the benefit of the labor union.  Given the amount of federal dollars at issue – over $1.3 million — the Inspector General should investigate SUN and conduct an audit into the potential misuse of ACA navigator funds.”

You can read the full letter here.

About Cause of Action:

Cause of Action is a non-profit, nonpartisan government accountability organization that fights to protect economic opportunity when federal regulations, spending and cronyism threaten it. For more information, visit

To schedule an interview with Cause of Action’s Executive Director Dan Epstein, contact Mary Beth Hutchins,



Powerline: Is another Obama Administration Scandal About to Explode?

Read the full story: Powerline

So, for more than three years Obama has managed to keep the lid on this scandal by hiding the Inspector General’s report. Along with Koch Industries, the Washington Free Beacon and a government watchdog group called Cause of Action made Freedom of Information Act requests for documents relating to the Inspector General’s investigation. When the Obama administration refused to produce any responsive information, Cause of Action sued.


On September 29, a federal district judge in Washington ruled in Cause of Action’s favor. Cause of Action had asked for all documents related to any investigation by TIGTA into the unauthorized disclosure of tax return information to anyone in the Executive Office of the President. The Obama administration made a “Glomar response,” which means that it would neither confirm nor deny the existence of any responsive records, on the theory that doing so would itself reveal information protected under FOIA.