Senator Grassley Questions FBI Director Comey About Clinton Grand Jury Revelation made in CoA Institute Federal Records Act Litigation

Today, Senator Chuck Grassley questioned FBI Director James Comey about why the FBI revealed the information about the grand jury to us in litigation but refused to release the same information to him in response to congressional oversight.  The video of the hearing is available here; the exchange begins around the 3:09 mark.

As discussed in previous blog posts (here, here, and here), Cause of Action Institute, together with Judical Watch, is litigating a Federal Records Act case to compel the State Department and National Archives and Records Administration to perform their statutory obligations to initiate action through the Attorney General for the complete recovery of email records unlawfully removed from federal custody by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Last week, the government filed a declaration from Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) Special Agent E.W. Priestap, which revealed for the first time that the FBI had obtained grand jury subpoenas related to the Clinton email investigation.  Preistap stated: “The FBI also obtained Grand Jury subpoenas related to the Blackberry e-mail accounts, which produced no responsive materials, as the requested data was outside the retention time utilized by those providers.”

Here’s a transcript of key portions of that exchange:

Senator Chuck Grassley: Last week, the FBI filed a declaration in court pursuant to Freedom of Information Act litigation [ed. actually, it is a Federal Records Act case].  The FBI said that a grand jury issued subpoenas for Secretary Clinton’s emails.  Yet you refuse to tell this Committee whether the FBI sought or had been denied access to grand jury process from the Justice Department.  So, I think a very simple question is why does the FBI give more information to someone who files a lawsuit than to an oversight committee of Congress?  That has happened to me several times.

Director Comey: I’m not sure, Senator, whether that’s what happened here.  But you’re right, I refused to confirm in our hearings as to whether we used a grand jury and how.  I think that’s the right position.  Because I don’t know it well enough, I don’t think I can tell you . . . I don’t think I can distinguish the statements made in the FOIA case, as I sit here.

Senator Chuck Grassley: Just as a matter of proposition then!  If, I, Chuck Grassley as a private citizen file a Freedom of Information Act [request] and you give me more information than you’ll give to Senator Chuck Grassley, how do you justify that?

Director Comey:  Yeah, it’s a good question

Senator Chuck Grassley:  What do you mean it’s a good question?!  How do you justify it?!

Director Comey: It’s a good question, I can’t [justify it] as I sit here.

Senator Chuck Grassley:  Ye gods . . .

. . .

When was the grand jury convened? Was it before your first public statement about closing [the Clinton] case?

Director Comey: I’m still not in a position where I’m comfortable confirming whether and how we used a grand jury . . . in an open setting.  I don’t know enough about what was said in the FOIA case to know whether that makes my answers silly.  But I just want to be so careful about talking about grand jury matters.  So, I’m not going to answer that, sir.

In a word, yes, it does make Director Comey look silly to refuse to confirm the FBI’s use of grand jury subpoenas to Senator Grassley when the FBI has already sworn to the existence of the grand jury in federal court.

This exchange highlights one of the challenges of congressional oversight: agencies often refuse to cooperate with Congress.  That’s where CoA Institute steps in and helps bring transparency to an opaque federal government.

James Valvo is Counsel & Senior Policy Advisor at Cause of Action Institute and you can follow him on Twitter @JamesValvo.

The Rule of Lenity: A five-minute guide to navigating the intersection of administrative and criminal law

It is not often that you think of the terms “criminal defense” and “Chevron deference” in the same sentence. But this is starting to change given the ever-expanding number of quasi-civil and criminal statutes passed by Congress.

Indeed, much of the conduct that we would typically consider to be a violation of a regulation, subject to civil penalties in federal court or in an administrative tribunal, is criminalized in the same statute. And it is usually the government’s decision as to whether the case proceeds civilly or with handcuffs.

Read the full post by Cause of Action Institute Counsel Erica Marshall, published on The Federalist Society’s blog

Cause of Action Institute Joins Coalition Seeking Public Release of Congressional Research Service Reports

Congress needs to stop making it so difficult to get non-confidential information. To help make this reality, Cause of Action Institute signed onto a bipartisan coalition letter asking Congress to expand public access to non-confidential documents through the Congressional Review Service (“CRS”).  Congress should direct the CRS to create a system that provides free, easy access to all members of the public.

Virtually unknown outside of the D.C. beltway, the CRS plays an instrumental role in America’s legislative process.  The service provides policy and legal analysis for members of Congress in both parties.  Some of the reports it produces are confidential, but many of them are not.  The non-confidential reports could provide much-needed insight on legislative issues.  Considering taxpayers fund the CRS to the tune of $100 million annually, the public has a right to see its work.

Currently, the CRS permits public access to some documents, but the process is not simple and people have to jump through hoops to get reports.

The Congressional Review Service has suggested that there would be complications with releasing information, such as reproducing copyrighted information, needing to engage with the public and losing speech-and–debate clause protection.  However, these arguments are unfounded because its content has been cited in numerous media reports and court decisions.

For example, over the past ten years, Congressional Review Service documents have been cited in The Washington Post 67 times and The New York Times 45 times.  Moreover, the Government Accountability Office has made clear that the work of the U.S. government is not subject to copyright protection.

Confidential information must be protected, but  the public should be able to see what its government is doing and access the same information Congress uses to make decisions.

Antiquities Act Executive Order—Overwrought Response Disregards Real Risks of Lack of Transparency and Unbridled Presidential Discretion

Since news broke earlier this week that President Trump would be signing an Executive Order (“E.O.”) regarding the Antiquities Act, hysteria has ensued. It’s as if the President had declared a new Oklahoma Land Rush on some of America’s most treasured landscapes, and the backhoes were lined up and waiting for the sound of the gun to start digging up the land.[1] In the 24 hours since its signing, the outcry has reached fever pitch.  Some claim the E.O. is but the first step in giving away the nation’s public lands to corporate interests. Others lament that the E.O. does not go far enough to restore the proper balance among the varied interests involved in public lands management. Either way, such hyperbole misrepresents and overstates what the E.O. actually says and what it will likely achieve in its implementation.

When considering vocal competing views, I often find myself asking “how did we get here?” and “how do we move forward productively?” Regarding national monument designations, the answer to the former is lack of transparency and Presidential accountability. The answer to the latter is more transparency and public involvement in the national monument designation process.

The E.O. directs the Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke to review all national monuments created by the Antiquities Act since January 1, 1996, that measure more than 100,000 acres or lacked appropriate public input. The E.O. also directs Secretary Zinke to provide two reports – a 45-day interim report regarding Bears Ears National Monument and 120-day final report regarding all other national monuments. The final report is to include suggestions regarding potential legislative proposals, and executive or other appropriate actions to restore trust between local communities and Washington, give voice to Governors of States and local and Tribal governments who are affected by monument designations, and put America back on track to manage our federal lands in accordance with the traditional multiple-use philosophy. The E.O. does not direct any action regarding any national monument nor direct the Secretary to reach any predefined conclusion. The E.O. is thus a rational first step in clarifying “how we got here,” and “how we move forward productively.” It is not, as some would claim, the beginning of the end for America’s public lands.

Since September 2016, Cause of Action Institute (“CoA Institute”) has been investigating the use, misuse, and abuse of the Antiquities Act of 1906, 54 U.S.C. §§ 320301 – 320303 (“Antiquities Act” or the “Act”) by recent presidential administrations. To that end, CoA Institute has submitted over ten (10) Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 (“FOIA”), requests to various and executive branch offices agencies – Council on Environmental Quality (“CEQ”), Department of the Interior (“Interior Dept.”), Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (“NOAA”) – involved with national monument declarations. To date, CoA Institute has received several interim releases, including over 1,000 records, but we anticipate that this represents only a small fraction of the records that are responsive to our requests. These records, along with publicly available documents and conversations we have had with local stakeholders in multiple states, preliminarily confirm several concerns and highlight the pressing need for transparency and oversight in the national monument designation process.

The Antiquities Act was intended to protect “historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest that are situated on land owned or controlled by the Federal Government” by permitting the President to declare such landmarks, structures, and objects of historic or scientific interest as national monuments.[2] The Act also permits the President to “reserve” land parcels as part of the national monument so long as such parcels are “confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the objects to be protected.”[3] Alternatively, if the object is not situated on federal land, the object and the land may be relinquished to the federal government.[4]

While such statutory language should limit use of the Antiquities Act, in practice, the Act has been used by presidents to declare or expand national monuments with little more than the stroke of a pen. Since 1996, Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama have declared over 55 national monuments, many with little or no publicly-available data, analyses, or impact studies to substantiate “the smallest area compatible” with “the proper care and management of the objects to be protected.” Problematically, some courts have held that the Act does not require the President “to make any particular investigation” prior to a monument being designated.[5] Thus, a President may declare a national monument without any information or data supporting the declaration. Because courts have been reluctant to review monument designations absent facts establishing and identifying lands that were improperly designated,[6] public recourse to challenge designations is essentially nonexistent. Indeed, no such challenge has yet been successful.

Although the bulk of the hysteria surrounding the E.O. relies on the assumption that national monuments are a benign tool for protecting rural land, many Americans would likely be alarmed to learn that under the current statutory and judicial rubric, the Act would permit the establishment of national monuments of a very different kind. For example, by a simple transfer in ownership of the relevant property to the federal government, President Trump could declare Trump Tower or Mar-a-Lago a National Monument by simply parroting a few key phrases in the declaring proclamation. There would be zero need to substantiate the “historical significance” of the property, the appropriate scope of the land included, or the need for that particular form of preservation. And – here’s the kicker – the declaration could include whatever protections and uses he deemed fit (such as requiring searchlights to cast a “protective” glow on the name of the building on a nightly basis) and, according to some, the monument designation could not be revised or reversed by a subsequent President, though there is disagreement on this point. Outrageous? Of course, Possible under the Act as written and applied today? Absolutely.

From a government oversight and transparency perspective, Presidential use of the Antiquities Act is rife with abuse, as major decisions impacting vast public lands, natural resources, property rights, and livelihoods are left to the sole discretion of the President, who is not required to substantiate his designation in any meaningful way beyond the use of a few magic words on the face of the declaring proclamation. Unchecked discretion and lack of recourse to remedy overbroad declarations, has resulted in misuse of the Antiquities Act. Further, as publicly reported, and evident in government records received and reviewed by CoA Institute, monument declarations have been made with little or no consideration of local stakeholders and those most adversely impacted by the designations.

That is why today, CoA Institute submitted a letter to Secretary Zinke highlighting our concerns regarding recent misuse of the Antiquities Act, preliminary results of our ongoing investigations, and recommendations regarding oversight of existing monuments and increased transparency in the designation process.

Any questions, commentary, or criticisms? Please e-mail us at and/or

Cynthia F. Crawford is a Senior Counsel at Cause of Action Institute.

Kara E. McKenna is a Counsel at Cause of Action Institute. Kara is admitted only in New York and New Jersey. Practice limited to matters and proceedings before United States Courts and agencies.

[1] Presidential Executive Order on the Review of Designations Under the Antiquities Act (Apr. 26, 2017) available at

[2] 54 U.S.C. § 320301 (a).

[3] 54 U.S.C. § 320301 (b).

[4] 54 U.S.C. § 320301 (c).

[5] Tulare County v. Bush, 306 F.3d 1138, 1142 (D.C. Cir. 2002).

[6] Id.

CoA Institute Highlights Problems with Presidents’ Unilateral Designation of Monuments

Washington D.C. – After President Trump yesterday signed an executive order to review previous presidents’ national monument designations under the Antiquities Act, Cause of Action Institute (“CoA Institute”) today sent a letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke outlining why some designations may have been unlawful.

Signed into law over a century ago, the Antiquities Act authorizes the president to declare federal lands as part of monuments, which restricts how the lands can be used. Records obtained by CoA Institute indicate that some of President Obama’s designations may have resulted from collusion with outside environmental groups, while ignoring feedback from the local stakeholders who would be most harmed.

CoA Institute President and CEO John Vecchione: “Major decisions impacting Americans’ livelihoods, vast public lands, natural resources, and property rights are currently left to the sole discretion of the president. This is contrary to most of our system of government. Presidents failed to substantiate many designations in any meaningful way, beyond the use of a few magic words on the face of the proclamations. Unchecked discretion and lack of recourse to remedy overbroad proclamations has resulted in misuse of the Antiquities Act and undue restrictions on future use of vast swaths of federal lands.”

CoA Institute has submitted more than 10 Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) requests to various agencies and executive branch offices involved with national monument declarations.

Evident from government records received and reviewed by CoA Institute, monument declarations have been made with little or no consideration of local stakeholders and those most adversely impacted by the designations.  More recent designations, such as the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument and the expansion of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument have even been made in direct contravention of longstanding statutory frameworks established by Congress and trusted by local stakeholders.

To date, CoA Institute has received several interim releases, including over 1,000 records, but we anticipate that this represents only small fraction of the records that are responsive to our requests. These records, along with publicly available documents and conversations we have had with local stakeholders in multiple states, preliminarily confirm several of our concerns.

For example, it appears that third-party environmental groups knew about a forthcoming monument designation in the Atlantic Ocean prior to August 2015. However, local fishermen—who would be directly and adversely impacted by the designation— were notified only 12 days before the September meeting. As indicated in records we have reviewed, local fishermen were given only 250 words in a press release informing them of the meeting and seeking input on a then-undefined proposal. In contrast, third party organizations had enough in-depth information in advance of the meeting to build online petitions supporting a monument in the Atlantic Ocean that were pushed out to their members nationwide.

As part of our ongoing oversight, CoA Institute continues to investigate:

  • The role certain Members of Congress played in lobbying President Obama to take unilateral action under the Antiquities Act;
  • Potential collusion between outside groups and the Obama Administration to declare national monuments;
  • Lack of transparency regarding monument designations;
  • Pretextual public hearings relating to predetermined monument designations;
  • The continued acquisition of private lands in and around existing national monuments to expand such monuments; and
  • The legality of agency rulemakings to enforce Antiquities Act designations.

The full letter can be found here

For information regarding this press release, please contact Zachary Kurz, Director of Communications at CoA Institute:

John Vecchione discusses FBI lawsuit, Trump dossier on The Derrell Day Show


Criminal Prosecutions on Tax Day: “If this is the law, nobody is safe”

Tax Day is just behind us, marking the ceremonial American tradition of waiting to the last minute to electronically file a Form 1040 in the hopes of receiving a tax refund (or maybe that is just me). This year alone, the IRS expects to process approximately 150 million tax returns.  But few Americans stop to think before clicking “submit,” about the sheer breadth of information they are supplying.  A tax return is an intimate financial portrait that details your income, marital status, number of dependents, the property and assets you’ve acquired, and gifts you’ve received, all based on documents and receipts collected throughout the previous year.

Remember on tax day that while Title 26 of the United States Tax Code gives the IRS the power to levy taxes, it also creates criminal sanctions to make sure people pay what they owe. Tax evasion is a felony, as is failure to pay any tax due, filing a false return, and not filing a return at all in some cases.  But what if otherwise legal acts or omissions—like not keeping financial records, throwing away receipts, not giving all of your documents to your accountant, cashing checks, or even using cash—were also a felony under the tax code?  Tax cheats should be prosecuted, but the law needs to be applied in a way so that the millions of Americans who file tax returns every year, but might not keep receipts or documents, cannot be caught up in an overreaching prosecution.

This was the issue that faced the Second Circuit in United States v. Marinello.  Carlo Marinello ran a courier company in New York and didn’t file tax returns for a number of years.  He was indicted with eight counts for failure to file a tax return.  However, the government also charged him with a felony for “corruptly obstruct[ing] or imped[ing]…the due administration of the [tax code]” under 26 U.S.C. § 7212(a).

This statute states:

Whoever corruptly or by force or threats of force … endeavors to intimidate or impede any officer or employee of the United States acting in an official capacity under [Title 26], or in any other way corruptly or by force or threats of force … obstructs or impedes, or endeavors to obstruct or impede, the due administration of this title, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $5,000, or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both.

According to the indictment, Mr. Marinello could be guilty of the felony of corruptly obstructing or impeding the administration of the tax code by performing acts as common as “failing to maintain corporate books and records,” “failing to provide [his] accountant with complete . . . information related to [his] personal income,” “discarding business records,” “cashing business checks,” and “paying employees in cash” because he performed these acts and omissions with the intent to obtain an unlawful benefit—not paying taxes. The jury convicted Mr. Marinello on this basis, and the Second Circuit affirmed the conviction.

The other felony provisions in Title 26, including the felony for not paying taxes under section 7202, impose a “willfull” mens rea requirement, which requires the government to prove that the person had a “guilty mind” and acted with the knowledge that his conduct was unlawful, and made a voluntary, intentional violation of a known legal duty.  However, the obstruction statute punishes anyone who “corruptly” endeavors to obstruct or impede the administration of Title 26, a much lower standard.  To act “corruptly” is to act “with intent to gain an unlawful advantage or benefit for oneself or for another.”

As this otherwise statutorily-undefined term has been applied across the land, and by the Second Circuit in Mr. Marinello’s case, any act or omission that obstructs the administration of the tax code is a felony so long as the defendant committed that act or omission to gain an “unlawful benefit”—whether or not the defendant knew that benefit was unlawful, whether or not the act or omission itself is a legal act, and whether or not the unlawful benefit sought by the defendant was even related to the tax code.  Troublingly, this “obstruction” statute has become a catchall felony provision with a reduced mens rea requirement that has swallowed the other criminal provisions in the tax code.  For example, it is hard to imagine how failing to file a tax return would not also impede the administration of the tax code.

Disagreeing with the Second Circuit, and concerned about the overbreadth and vagueness of the statute, the Sixth Circuit has cabined the obstruction statute to require that the government prove that the defendant took action to impede or obstruct a pending IRS investigation or action, such that a particular IRS employee was obstructed by the defendant’s conduct. United States v. Kassouf, 144 F.3d 952 (6th Cir. 1998).

Mr. Marinello filed a petition for a writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court, asking it to hear his case and resolve the split between the Sixth Circuit and the Second Circuit. Cause of Action Institute and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers filed a “friend of the court” brief, urging the Supreme Court to take the case to clarify the type of conduct that is criminalized under the tax code.  As Judge Jacobs of the Second Circuit warned in his dissent from the rest of the court, “if this is the law nobody is safe.”

The full amicus brief can be found here

Erica Marshall is counsel at Cause of Action Institute