Government Ethical Standards Are Toothless, Unenforced

Read full article here.

“Nonpartisan watchdog Cause of Action said in a memo that “OGE recklessly disregarded clear warning signs of waste, fraud and abuse at GSA. Furthermore, any mismanagement or fraud within the OGE is subject to review only by OGE itself, as OGE lacks an inspector general.”

In the 34 years since the formation of OGE, none of the 5,700 employees working in the 133 executive agencies has found any wrongdoing to be significant enough to trigger enforcement of ethical standards. Similarly, Congressional oversight of the executive branch has ignored president/s who condone torture, assassination, imprisonment of whistleblowers they formerly encouraged, violate the Constitution at will and have been accused of war crimes by constitutional lawyers…”

Daily Caller: Former ethics officer says NLRB inspector general ‘improperly’ cleared Obama appointee of wrongdoing

Read the full story here. Daily Caller

“Prompted in part by Joseph’s claims, the legal advocacy group Cause of Action sent a Dec. 7 request to the Department of Justice for a new investigation into the Solomon case. Cause of Action claimed that the OIG “shifted the blame away from Solomon” in order to resolve a case that has caused turmoil within the NLRB and a headache for the Obama administration.

The case dates back to January 2012, when the NLRB considered suing Wal-Mart over allegations that it violated federal labor laws with its social media policy.

Despite holding more than $15,000 in Wal-Mart stock, Solomon attended a meeting in his office with the NLRB’s Division of Advice on Jan. 23. Solomon expressed in the meeting his desire for the NLRB to delay the lawsuit and instead “reach out” to Wal-Mart to encourage the company to change its social media policy.”


Washington Examiner: Nine people who know how to make government work better, more honestly

Read the full story here. Washington Examiner

Daniel Epstein
Executive Director,
Cause of Action
Five most needed victories:
1. Passage of the Data Act and digitalization of all federal spending data.
2. Creation of a private right of action under the Information Quality Act.
3. Creation of judicial review procedures under the Administrative Procedures Act for review of decisions of the IRS whistleblower office.
4. Uniform database of FOIA requests and processing, following current online tracking used by the Department of Labor and the FBI.
5. Legislative action based on the District of Columbia Circuit’s Aera v. Salazar decision, which would require disclosure of political influence on agency decisions, including disclosure of administrative earmarks under Executive Order 13457 – protecting taxpayers against wasteful earmarks.

Fox News: DISH Network co-founder accused of bullying execs for political donations

Read full story here. Fox News

“The Federal Election Commission complaint, filed by conservative advocacy group Cause of Action, claimed an unnamed “insider” had come forward to report DISH executives ‘being compelled to make political campaign contributions’….Cause of Action’s complaint went on to detail how contributions from that PAC often coincided with individual contributions from some of the DISH executives — for instance, a $5,000 PAC donation to the campaign of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., in August 2011, and a $2,500 donation from Han the same day; or contributions from two DISH executives to the campaign of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., in September 2010, followed by a $5,000 PAC contribution the following May….”

Washington Times: FEC pressed to probe Dish TV chief

Read the full story here. Washington Times

“A watchdog group wants federal election regulators to investigate whether the head of a major satellite-television company forced company executives to donate to prominent Democratic campaigns in recent years.

Citing an “insider” source, the nonprofit Cause of Action filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission late Wednesday asking investigators to look into whether Dish Network’s chairman threatened executives with the loss of their jobs if they refused to donate to favored candidates.

The complaint, made public on Thursday, said the watchdog had received information from a source it did not identify that Dish executives, including Chief Operating Officer Bernard Han, were being “compelled” to make political donations by the company’s chairman, Charles Ergen…”

Kevin Lunny on Fox & Friends

KTVU: POINT REYES: Oyster company files lawsuit over lease [VIDEO]

POINT REYES: Oyster company files lawsuit over lease with park….

The owner of Drakes Bay Oyster Company was vowing to stay open, having filed a lawsuit challenging the National Park Service decision to allow the 40-year lease to expire.