Fox News: Watchdog reveals thousands of docs relating to disclosure of taxpayer data to White House

Read the full story: Fox News

Dan Epstein, a spokesman for Cause of Action, told he believes that the IRS “essentially ignored the order of the court” with this declaration and that the group is considering the best path forward to force the IRS to disclose the documents.


However, Epstein said that the group feels that TIGTA’s acknowledgment of the documents is “absolutely” a victory in their investigation. He said the sheer number of relevant documents indicates that wrongdoing occurred on the part of both the IRS and the White House.


“That indicates scandal,” he said.

Washington Examiner: Watchdogs or lapdogs? A system meant to protect the public has been co-opted by the feds

Read the full story: Washington Examiner

Cutting agency budgets or blocking the confirmation of presidential appointees also have been mentioned as tools Congress can use to force the president to deal with a problematic inspector general.


Dan Epstein, executive director of the outside watchdog group Cause of Action, said slashing the budget of a weak IG can pressure the president to find a replacement, but added he is not aware of that ever having been done.


“There’s obviously a political cost of doing that,” he said.

White House Press Secretary grilled on the IRS potentially sharing taxpayer records with the White House

Investors Business Daily: Will ‘Lost’ IRS Emails Reveal A Corrupt White House?

Read the full story: Investors Business Daily

This discovery came from a lawsuit by the group Cause of Action, which has sought release of all documents related to IRS targeting of conservative groups.


Under court pressure, some of the documents were scheduled to be released Dec. 1 and the rest by Dec. 15.


In an email from the Department of Justice’s tax office requesting a delay in the delivery date of the formerly “lost” documents, it noted that TIGTA “has located 2,500 potentially responsive documents” and needed extra time “to make any necessary withholdings.”


“Potentially responsive” means they could relate to the release of private taxpayer information by the IRS to administration officials, including the White House. As Vice President Joe Biden might say, this could be a very big deal indeed.

Lawyer for John Yates Thanks Cause of Action

Read the letter here.

Thank You Letter to Cause of Action by Cause of Action

Washington Free Beacon: Records on Taxpayer Leaks to White House to Be Released

Read the full story: Washington Free Beacon

On Monday the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) informed the watchdog group Cause of Action that it will turn over nearly 2,500 documents in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the group.


In a statement, Cause of Action said the number of documents “signals that the White House may have made significant efforts to obtain taxpayers’ personal information.”

The Blaze: Officials to Cough Up Documents That Could Show the IRS Gave Private Taxpayer Data to the White House

Read the full story: The Blaze

But TIGTA never released a report, and that prompted the group Cause of Action to file a Freedom of Information Act request to see the result of its work. TIGTA refused to even confirm its investigation, but in September, a judge said TIGTA officials had to comply with the request from Cause of Action.


Cause of Action said Tuesday that it expects to receive up to 2,500 separate documents that could show improper links between the White House and the IRS, and that it expects to receive those documents by mid-December.