REPORT: Coin for Coins: Federal Agency Spending on Promotional and Commemorative Items


Cause of Action’s six month investigation into federal agency spending on commemorative and promotional items.



Coin for Coins Report

Coin for Coins Report Exhibits

DHS OIG production

CoA Letter Concerning Upcoming National Park Service Response

Today Cause of Action sent a letter to numerous members of Congress alerting them to the upcoming October 8 response due from the National Park Service to a Data Quality Act complaint that was filed on behalf of Drakes Bay Oyster Company and Dr. Corey Goodman.


See our letter here:

121004 Letter Re DQA Complaint


As of May 24, 2013, Cause of Action no longer represents Drakes Bay Oyster Company, the Lunny family, or Dr. Corey Goodman and will be withdrawing as counsel from the litigation.

Cause of Action Sues IRS for President Obama’s Tax Record Requests


Where’s the transparency? IRS refuses to reveal information on whose taxes the President has requested


WASHINGTON – Federal government accountability group Cause of Action (CoA) today filed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for refusing to release documents that would identify the names of individuals and businesses of which President Obama has requested tax records.


“Hiding behind a claim of privacy that does not stand up when you consider the commitment to transparency made by this Administration, the IRS has no grounds for refusing our request,” stated Karen Groen, Chief Oversight Counsel at Cause of Action. “American taxpayers deserve to know if the President has requested to see their tax information. I’d like to know if he wanted to see my tax returns, wouldn’t you?”


CoA filed a FOIA request in April for communications between President Obama and the IRS requesting the tax returns of either individuals or businesses. The IRS denied CoA’s request for the names of those taxpayers, obstructing the path to transparency that will help taxpayers know what is happening in Washington. Today, CoA filed suit against the IRS demanding the production of this request.


The complaint filed today, along with our exhibits, can be found here.



Cause of Action v. IRS – Tax Returns Requested by President Obama

The following complaint was filed by Cause of Action on Tuesday, October 2, 2012.

COA v IRS Tax Returns


Exhibits in CoA v IRS

CoA Memo on NLRB’s Lafe Solomon & Conflict of Interest Law

Following the NLRB Office of Inspector General’s report on General Counsel Lafe Solomon’s conflict of interest in a matter before the board, Cause of Action is providing the following legal analysis for public education.

Cause of Action Memo on NLRB OIG Report Re: Lafe Solomon Conflict of Interest

Cause of Action Memo on Sec. Sebelius’ Hatch Act Violations

120914 Cause of Action Memo on Sebelius Hatch Act Violations

CoA Calls On Pres. Obama to Fire HHS Sec. Kathleen Sebelius

The Office of Special Counsel reported findings today that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius violated the Hatch Act in February when she called for re-electing President Obama during an official department appearance. Cause of Action is calling on President Obama to fire Kathleen Sebelius for this clear violation of federal law.

Statement from Cause of Action Executive Director Dan Epstein:

“This is the most high profile example of a Hatch Act violation since the Act was passed in 1939.   Never before has a member of the President’s Cabinet been found to have committed a Hatch Act violation.  President Obama should immediately fire HHS Secretary Sebelius for her violation of federal law. Additionally, the Justice Department should begin an investigation into any potential election crimes the Secretary may have committed through her then-taxpayer funded comments on February 25, 2012. The American public deserves a President committed to the law and committed to a Cabinet that understands the difference between politics and public service.”