The Department of Energy issued a rule that will drive up costs for distributors, installers, and consumers of heating and air conditioning products across the United States.  Refusing to acknowledge properly filed comments and concerns from HARDI, the Department of Energy issued new energy efficiency standards.  Cause of Action took up HARDI’s case in the U.S. Court of Appeals to hold the Department of Energy accountable for ignoring procedure and inflicting job-killing regulation on the heating and air industry.

United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia

Settlement Order (April 24, 2014)

Joint Brief of Intervenors Heating, Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) and Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) in Support of Petitioner (January 28, 2014)

Brief for Petitioner American Public Gas Association (January 13, 2014)

Joint Response (September 18, 2013)

Joint Brief of Intervenors (May 29, 2013)

Motion to Intervene of the Heating, Air-Condition & Refrigeration Distributors International (“HARDI”) (January 20, 2013)

Court grants HARDI opportunity to challenge DOE decision-making (May 3, 2012)